Title: Hotel Beaumonde Type: Hotel Category: City and region Share:
View: 5121Added: 03-02-2018 22:49:53
Hotel «Beaumonde» is situated in an prestigious district Mtatsminda. The hotel is able to provide an excellent base from which to conduct business or enjoy the unique Georgian lifestyle. Our friendly skilled staff is the guarantee of stainless service.
Experience a lifetime at the hotel «Beaumonde» you will come back more.
Contact information Country: Georgia Region: Tbilisi region City: Tbilisi District: Mtatsminda Address: Alexandre Chavchavadze street 11 Phone: 995-32-2986003 Mobile: 995-32-2921172 Web site: hotelbeaumonde.com E-mail 1: infohotelbeaumonde.comcopy e-mail Skype ID: hotelbeaumonde.com