Title: Hotel Iliani Type: Hotel Category: City and region Share:
View: 4905Added: 29-01-2018 13:43:56
Hotel «Iliani» is located in the very center of Tbilisi, 200 meters away from Rustaveli Avenue, where the business and culture life of the capital is concentrated. Modern architectural building of the hotel is surrounded with the cozy garden - perfect place for rest and solitude and it favorably tell it from all other hotels of the city. In addition, the hotel is located on some height, which is considered among the citizens of Tbilisi as the most ecologically pure place in the center of the city and they with love call it «Dream Hill».
The rooms of the hotel are of the improved planning, each with the individual balcony facing the garden. They are equipped with the local system of heating and air-conditioning, interactive telecasting and video channels, automatic telephone connection.
Two open terraces with the café are giving the beautiful sight on the city panorama.
At the guests’ service: restaurant with the national and European cuisine, conference-hall, business-center with the 24-hour Internet, special safes, guides and translators, order of the air tickets, transfer to/from the airport, car-service.
Our permanent clients are businessmen, international journalists, international foundations representatives, scientists and cultural workers.
Number of rooms/floors: 24/7
Year built/reconstructed: 1990/2006
City centre: 0, 4 km
Sightseeing: Mtatsminda Pantheon, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Philharmonic Hall Nearest
Metro station: Rustaveli
Airport - 19 km
Station - 4 km
Contact information Country: Georgia Region: Tbilisi region City: Tbilisi District: Vere Address: Veriko Andjaparidze street 1 Phone: 995-32-2234086 Mobile: 995-32-2335711 Web site: www.iliani.com E-mail 1: hoteliliani.comcopy e-mail